Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Diversity is not Inclusion: special issue

 A Piece on my Rhetoric of Storytelling Course in Composition Studies

Feeling really grateful to the editors of this special collection, Christina Cedillo, Ersula Ore, and Kim Wieser, for including my work with so many great contributions. What's even more humbling is how something I said in conversation ended up in a Sonia Arellano, José Cortez, and Romeo Garcia's piece on shadow work with academia, and a reference to my digital testmonio chapter was included in Christine Garcia, Genevieve de Mueller Garcia, Christina Cedillo and Les Hutchinson Campos' piece on mentorship. 

Sonia Arellano et al.: https://compositionstudiesjournal.files.wordpress.com/2021/10/arellano-cortez-garcia.pdf

Christine Garcia et al.https://compositionstudiesjournal.files.wordpress.com/2021/10/garcia-campos-de-mueller-cedillo.pdf 

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Bulletin of Latin American Research book review

 My Never-ending Fandom for Frederick Aldama and Tex{t}-Mex Nericcio

A book review I wrote for the Bulletin of Latin American Research on Frederick Luis Aldama and William Nericcio's new book Talking #BrownTV was just published. The image below is the journal's website and I add a link to the book on Amazon.
Here's a quote:

Talking #brownTV asks us to retrain our eyes to see brown as beyond black and white, thereby teasing out the nuance and complexity that’ is often ignored in polarised responses to Latinx representation. 

Journal link: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/blar.13303 
