Update on Ebook Project I'm Co-editing
The project began as a featured panel with Octavio Pimentel, and Natasha Jones at the Conference for College Composition and Communication in Indianapolis, Indiana (2104), and it has successfully made it through the proposal stage to the press. With feedback, chapters from contributors have been collected, circulated for review, and a great web designer who has experience with the press has been hired to mediate the chapters into HTML for the e-book platform. Would love to have more to note at this time, but we have submitted the e-manuscript to the press for review, so please keep
los dedos cruzado in the meantime.
Below is a screenshot from the collection's homepage.
The 2014 featured panel was for the edited collection called
Communicating Race, Ethnicity, and Identity in Technical Communication
on technical communication and race that Octavio Pimentel co-edited with Miriam Williams. On another positive note, this collection also won the 2016 CCCC award for edited collection on Technical Communication.