Saturday, April 22, 2017

UTEP RSA Spring Symposium

UTEP, a Bhutan Temple, and My Keynote

The Rhetoric Society of America (RSA) at the University of Texas, El Paso had their Spring Symposium this past Friday, and I was extremely honored to have been invited to be the keynote speaker. Below are some great photos with the UTEP faculty, my talk, the campus, and a short Storify of tweets and links about the event.

(Photo credit: Isabel Baca, w/UTEP faculty)

UTEP RWS professor Laura Gonzales took this great picture from my talk where I was citing Angela Haas' work on decolonialism (and where I also borrowed a slide design from Danielle DeVoss).

(Photo credit: Laura Gonzales)

It was my first time on the UTEP campus where I learned about the Bhutanese influence on the architecture and exchange of students and cultural artifacts.

(Bhutan temple on UTEP plaza)

Lucia Dura gave me a tour of El Paso that included an overlook of the school and Ciudad Juarez.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

My UTEP Frontera Retorica Talk

Talk at UT El Paso Rhetoric Society of America Spring Symposium

Really excited to be the featured speaker at UTEP's Frontera Retorica Spring Symposium on April 21. UTEP has a great group of graduate students and faculty doing really important work on rhetoric and writing, so I'm looking forward to hearing panels while I'm there.