Thursday, February 23, 2012

Tony Mares' "Ode to los librotraficantes"

 I posted the Librotraficante video which responsed to the banning of the books in Tucson High's Ethnic Studies program, and I was turned onto this poem by Tony Mares (

From Tony Mares' website:

Ode to los librotraficantes

You carry books as you roll along
in your caravan through Texas, New Mexico,
and on to Arizona. You are
the most dangerous caravan in America.

Once your ancestors crossed the Rio Grande,
their bodies wet from the swirling water,
the sweat running down their backs.
Now you carry wet books in your caravan,
books dripping with wisdom. You are

the most dangerous caravan in America.
You scatter books in underground libraries
along the highways of the Southwest. You are
lighting the fires of imagination in young minds
of all cultures along your route. You are
the most dangerous caravan in America.
Tony Mares

My poem dedicated to the brave cultural warriors who take banned books to Arizona

Read the rest at:

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