Monday, May 25, 2015

Computers and Writing 2015

Technoliteracy In(ter)ventions

On May 30, I will be presenting with several undergraduate students from the LEAD first generation college student program here at Santa Clara University, along with Trish Serviss on the iPad Pilot program that took place here from 2012-2015. The title of our panel is “Intervention and Access: FYC Outcomes, iPads and Underrepresented Students.” Trish and I will introduce the school, program and reflect on our own experiences, and the students have put together their own multimodal composition to document their thoughts as well as interviews with other students and staff in LEAD.

For a study on the iPad Pilot from the Innovation in Teaching Committee at SCU:

The above study provides interesting statistical data on the use of iPads for different tasks, including communication with professors, reading and writing, and organization.
From the study:
Comparison with non-LEAD 1st generation students:

       Comparison group: “LEAD scholars were much more likely to strongly agree (on a 4-point scale) that educational technology had benefited their learning experience” (Bachen, Culter, & Elrod, 2014, p.8)

Below is the video reflection I composed after teaching in the pilot from 2013-2014.

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