Sunday, June 19, 2011

My ebook Tijuana Dust from Hungry Panther Press

Summer Reading de Cruz

In past posts I've mentioned the publication of some short stories Acentos Review and Solstice Literary Journal and I'm excited to announce the release of my novel Tijuana Dust now available on Kindle. Hungry Panther Publishing is an indie press with other authors and titles worth checking out in horror and sci-fi.

Tijuana Dust is a detective novel which takes place in San Diego where I contributed to the San Diego Reader from 2003-2006. The main character Martinez is a private investigator who wears pachuco suits and drives a beat up Integra, trying his best to not get mixed up again with the Mexican Mafia while learning too much about the structure of the City of Villages he calls home.

Tijuana Dust (San Diego Crime)

Martin Nakell provided a great review:

"We sorely are in need of serious literature which explores the frontiers of our country - which we too often think of as isolated and impermeable. Likewise, sorely are we in need of serious literature which explores the frontiers of our cultural realities, for herein lie the strains that we live with, that - in today's world - every country lives with. Cruz Medina's book [Tijuana Dust] addresses those needs head on."
 --Martin Nakell Settlement

Don't have a Kindle? Get the apps  Kindle for PC, Kindle for iPhone, Kindle for Blackberry or Kindle for iPad


  1. Felicidades, Cruz! I just bought your book for my Kindle! - Carla
