Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Professional Talk on Analytics

If an Article is Published in the Forest and No One Reads it....

Today I was invited to speak a bit at a faculty professional development talk on using social media and analytics to amplify the impact of academic publishing. One of my colleagues, Laura Ellingson (her blog https://realisticallyeverafter.blog/blog/) spoke about some of her interactions through Google Scholar and how it's opened up conversations with scholars who have cited her work. Ellingson also spoke about her experiences blogging and writing for a public audience.

(Photo credit: Eileen Elrod)

My own talk related to work I have done on the NCTE/CCCC Latinx Caucus bibliography and some of the research on publication and citation practices related to scholars of color. I also discussed posting across platforms because of the different audiences accessible; in the slide, you can see the different numbers of connections across different social media, although the number doesn't directly relate to impact from those platforms.

The last presenters were Shannon and Ray from the University Learning Commons/Library and the scholarship repository available on our campus for open access. 

Here is the link to my page: https://works.bepress.com/cruz-medina/

Thanks to Eileen Elrod for the invitation to speak today!

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